Gulfport Restoration Project to Create New Vessel Jobs

The Port of Gulfport in Mississippi could sign deals with two potential tenants within the next six months, according to the Port’s Executive Director, Jonathan Daniels.  This move, revealed in an update on a $570 million restoration project at the Port, would likely create a large number of new vessel jobs.

According to the status report, the project would expand trade lines with Northern Europe and Asia, allowing the Port to take advantage of the increase in trade expected from the Panama Canal Expansion.  Due to confidentiality agreements, neither the names nor the exact nature of their businesses have been revealed at this point; however, Mr. Daniels conveyed that an announcement with more specific details was only months away.

Mr. Daniels stated that the new tenants at the Port would go a long way toward helping achieve the Port’s goal of 1,200 new jobs, which the Department of Housing and Urban Development made a condition of the $570 million it gave the Port.  Said Mr. Daniels, “It will have a significant impact on tonnage, vessel calls and ultimately that translates into more jobs.”

The restoration project at the Port will include building infrastructure for new gantry cranes, wharf upgrades, and providing a foundation for an expanded Port of Gulfport.  The project is the largest economic development project in Mississippi, already nearly doubling the port in size.

Said Port Director, Don Allee, of the importance of the project, “When we started the project, the global economy was really, really strong. There’s been a global turndown in maritime commerce.  We’re confident the jobs are still there, but we’ve got to be able to bring that business to Gulfport. If you don’t have the facility, you’re not going to be able to get the business.”

The Port of Gulfport isn’t the only place in the Gulf South creating jobs for maritime professionals.  In fact, the number of available vessel jobs has been increasing throughout the region, and that increase is likely to continue.

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